
In a world of short-lived commodities, the quality product is gaining in importance. Corresponding needs come from branded products such as the household appliances from Graef.
The medium-sized company based in Arnsberg, in the surprisingly highly developed industrial region of South Westphalia, has existed since 1920 and can build on a carefully guarded and constantly evolving tradition.
Graef stands for user-friendly slicing machines "Made in Germany" for more than 50 years. Because of their excellent workmanship, durability and not least for their design, they are well-known and internationally regarded. In 1968, we introduced the first electric household universal slicing machine with a metal construction.
Its unique constructional concept has been patent-protected by the German Patent Office. In the meantime, we have set many internationally accepted standards, which let GRAEF became a brand that stands for extremely functional kitchen equipment.In a world of short-lived commodities, the quality product is gaining in importance. Corresponding needs come from branded products such as the household appliances from Graef.